Sunday, March 21, 2010

A License to Party Again?

I know it's very early to say this but I think I'm beginning to get the hang of this.  I've always been a happy person; okay, happy-go-lucky as well.  I've never taken life seriously before. I've just taken it for granted like it's my privilege and right not to worry so much about it.

I was also never ambitious.  I was born poor but my Mom has taught me how to be satisfied all the time.   As I was growing up, I realized that if this is all life could only offer me, then I should gladly accept it.  If I couldn't afford the finer things in life, then I should never go crazy over them.

So yeah, being not too ambitious and merry-goes-whatever, I let life take its course.  I was like, whatever.  I partied all the time, drink like tomorrow's the end of the world and sometimes, let myself do mistakes.  The last being irreversible.

Yes, that one irreversible mistake but again, I should gladly accept that.  But it did shake me and did scare me to hell.  I've always thought I would die young but until I got diagnosed with HIV, it never occurred to me that I'd really die this early.  I sort of died the day I knew and lived like a zombie afterwards.  I can't take life un-seriously anymore, I thought to myself.  After the day I found out, every day seems to be a blessing.

I take life seriously now, of course.  After all, it was not kidding when it gave me this virus.  But, I think being serious about it doesn't really mean I should just mope and cry all day, every day, forever and ever or does it? Life goes on - I've read that somewhere.  I'm not truly dead yet and like everyone else, I also don't know when exactly my last breath would be.

The only difference between me and everyone else is that I literally own my life now.  I can do the hell whatever I want with it.  It's up to me if I'd want to prolong this or shorten this.  Everyone else doesn't have that power.

Last night, I went clubbing for the first time this year.  But since I'm already serious with my life now, I made sure I had at least 8 hours of sleep before I made the decision.  I also decided not to drink and I also skipped on smoking.  I danced so I could also work out.

I guess, I can bargain and compromise with the Reaper for a while now.  I think I've been given another license to party.  All I need to do is play by life's rules, not mine this time, and I should be able to do this indefinitely. Yeah, just like everyone else.


Cofiboy said...

having that gift should not stop you from doing other things. this time you just have to mellow down and understand that you need to draw your lines.

Enjoy life still

Trese said...

Remember the saying....

"What doesn't kill, makes you stronger..."

saka yung....

"When you have lemons, get a shot of tequilla...."

LOL. Live life to the fullest but with caution. Do not over analyze everything. :)

fishinthepacific said...

trese hehe yeah...i cou;dn't have said that better :)

cofiboy, this is very sobering. sometimes, we all need a slap in the face before we wake up hehe